Frequently Asked Question
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator+  Status: Permanent License  up to Version 1.4.411


We recommend our easyDCP KDM Generator+ customers to set-up a second computer serving as backup machine for their (D)KDMs. If used properly, existing (D)KDMs can be recovered and ported to a fresh installation, in case the production machine is not working anymore. The set-up is simple and your existing (D)KDM workflow requires only small changes.

Please see Security backup for (D)KDMs for more details.

To create a complementory backup license please follow these steps:

  1. Download the easyDCP KDM Generator+ Installer for your target OS from your license status again and install it on your backup machnine.
  2. Request a license and certificate as usual and submit it to See also How do I activate my easyDCP Product?.
  3. The landing page will show your activated easyDCP KDM Generator+ license. You will have the option to create a complementary license by selecting "Complementary license".
  4. You will be redirected to the license status showing your new complementary license.
  5. Download the license and certificate data set and import it into your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system.

NOTE: The complementary license is locked for migration. If you need to migrate your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system please contact us at